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Bounce Curl Creates Major Volume with Programmatic DOOH



Caroline Cole

As a brand that embraces innovative marketing strategies, Bounce Curl activated programmatic DOOH with Vistar Media and OUTFRONT Media to boost perception and intent for its products through a cutting-edge out-of-home activation.

Phoenix Bounce Curl 2-8582 appBounce Curl Billboard creative for wavy hair

Bounce Curl's Campaign Strategy

To drive awareness, consideration and purchase intent of its products for consumers with wavy, curly & coily hair, Bounce Curl activated a digital out-of-home (DOOH) campaign with Vistar Media across OUTFRONT Media’s large-format DOOH screens. This strategic nine-week campaign ran in key markets including Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York City, Philadelphia and Phoenix.

High-Impact Creative Messaging

Using high-impact creatives on large-format screens, Bounce Curl was able to reach consumers at key touch points throughout their day via a large range of OUTFRONT billboards in all target markets. Further, Bounce Curl partnered with OUTFRONT’s award-winning creative agency, OUTFRONT STUDIOS, to create bold designs specific for the large-scale, highly visual nature of the billboards.

Data-Driven Audience Targeting

Vistar leveraged its partnership with IRI to build a custom audience of consumers who had previously purchased curly hair products. Vistar’s programmatic technology was able to then analyze the movement patterns of these consumers, and only activate ads on the proper OUTFRONT billboards at the right times and locations where the audience was most likely to be.  

Mobile Retargeting

Taking the initiative one step further, Bounce Curl amplified the impact of its DOOH campaign by retargeting exposed consumers on their mobile devices. This seamless mobile extension enabled Bounce Curl to deliver a sequential consumer touchpoint that generated a range of lower-funnel activities: 1.8M people visited its mobile campaign landing page, 2,000 clicked and nearly 70 took secondary actions.

DOOH Measurement

To close the loop and measure the real-world impact of Bounce Curl’s DOOH campaign, we conducted a brand study that evaluated lift in consumer attitudes driven by exposure. Vistar’s brand study revealed an incremental lift across all desired campaign metrics, including awareness, consideration and purchase intent.

Bounce Curl Billboard creative for coily hair

Campaign Results

As programmatic buying becomes increasingly more popular, Bounce Curls’ campaign illustrates the effectiveness for other advertisers of how DOOH campaigns can be smartly executed and present major results.

Access more strategy details and campaign results by downloading the case study below.


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