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Creating buzz: HBO Max's DOOH campaign for House of the Dragon S2



Mahsa Sabouri

The long-awaited House of the Dragon season 2 has set the world abuzz with anticipation. The legendary series captivated millions globally, drawing nearly 10 million viewers for season 1's premiere in the U.S. alone (TheWrap)​. To promote this highly anticipated return, PHD Media Netherlands executed a targeted campaign, leveraging high-visibility DOOH advertising to reinforce HBO Max as the premier streaming platform for House of the Dragon.

DOOH Campaign Strategy

PHD Media utilized digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising to promote House of the Dragon season 2 in the Netherlands. The campaign strategically targeted high-traffic areas in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht during peak hours to maximize awareness of the new release. 


Strategic Screen Placement

The client strategically selected three high-traffic locations for the DOOH campaign:

  1. Amsterdam - Rembrandtplein: This bustling square sees thousands of visitors daily, making it an ideal spot for high visibility.
  2. Rotterdam - Central Station: A prime hub for commuters, Rotterdam Central Station serves 110,000 people daily, ensuring broad reach (idealwork). 
  3. Utrecht - Central Station: As one of Europe's largest stations, Utrecht Central Station sees immense foot traffic, making it perfect for the campaign.

In addition to choosing these areas for their high foot traffic, the client selectively ran ads from 7 AM to 11 PM daily. This strategic use of programmatic technology allowed HBO to run its messaging during peak hours, maximizing impact and minimizing wasted budget.

Highlighting HBO Max as the Streaming Destination

The campaign reinforced HBO max as the premium streaming platform for House of the Dragon. By leveraging high-visibility DOOH advertising, PHD Media Netherlands effectively showcased HBO Max as the go-to streaming platform for fans eagerly awaiting the return of the beloved series.

Keen to learn more about this campaign or DOOH opportunities overall? contact our EMEA team at emea-sales@vistarmedia.com

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