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What it takes to launch a DOOH campaign: A step-by-step guide



Hannah Lyder

Launching a digital out-of-home (DOOH) campaign requires a blend of strategy, creativity and collaboration. Recently, we found ourselves on the other side of the table, transitioning from vendor to client as we launched our own DOOH campaign. Go behind the scenes with us as we break down our campaign and share actionable steps for your own launch.

1) Agree on the objectives 

One of the biggest pitfalls in marketing is assuming everyone is on the same page regarding a campaign’s objectives. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive foot traffic, boost website transactions or something else? Each goal demands its own approach in terms of audience targeting, location selection and messaging. Make sure that your team is fully aligned with the objectives and determine how you’ll measure success. (Hint: having a high-level idea of your measurement strategy will be crucial before finalizing it in step 4.)


Vistar's view

As a B2B company and a key player in this space, we designed our campaign with three core objectives:

  1. Increase awareness of out-of-home advertising as an impactful media channel;
  2. Increase brand visibility and recognition within the industry;
  3. Increase overall website traffic.

These objectives shaped our strategic approach and guided us through the campaign planning process. 



2) Choose your targeting

Choose your targeting - How to launch a DOOH campaign A step-by-step guide

Understanding your target audience and locations are foundations of any campaign, but it's especially critical for out-of-home advertising. Different locations offer unique creative possibilities and reach distinct audiences. To maximize impact, consider these factors:


Know your locations: 

  • Availability: Where is your product or service offered? Focus on areas where your audience can readily access what you're promoting.
  • Performance: Are there regions where you'd like to see improved results? Analyze both high-traffic areas where your product is already popular and those where you aim to expand or boost engagement.


Know your audience:

  • Demographics: Who are you trying to reach? Factor in age, gender, occupation, interests and spending habits to paint a detailed picture of your ideal customer.
  • Location preferences: Where does your target audience spend their time? Consider their commutes, workplaces and leisure activities to pinpoint locations with high concentrations of your desired demographic.


Vistar's view

For this campaign, we focused on reaching key decision-makers within top media buying agencies. Knowing these agencies have a strong presence with headquarters in NYC, LA, Toronto and Montreal, we used point of interest (POI) targeting to strategically place our ads around those locations. We further optimized visibility by timing the campaign to coincide with peak commuter hours, ensuring maximum exposure to our target audience.



3) Craft the right creatives

Craft the right creative (2)

A crucial step in any DOOH campaign is creating content that grabs attention, and can be adaptable and effective across a range of screen sizes. Working with a partner that specializes in out-of-home, like Vistar Studio, will give you the best results.


Know your screen sizes 

DOOH displays come in various shapes and sizes. Your creative assets should be high-resolution and flexible, capable of making an impact whether displayed on a towering screen in Times Square or a digital bus shelter in LA. It's essential to optimize your visuals for different aspect ratios and screen resolutions to maintain brand consistency and see the engagement you want. 


Understand screen capabilities 

Not all DOOH screens are created equal. Some can handle dynamic content, like real-time updates or interactive elements, while others may only support static images. Similarly, certain screens can display video, while others cannot. Knowing the capabilities of the screens where your ads will run is crucial before diving into asset creation. This ensures that you’re developing the right type of content for each location. Vetting screen sizes and capabilities is all available through the programmatic marketplace. (Need help or access with the platform? Set up a call with our team!) 


Make it pop

Out-of-home advertising is inherently captivating but requires balance. A busy and loud ad can overwhelm viewers, while an understated design might go unnoticed. Focus on a single message, use large and readable fonts and if you’re using video with sound, include subtitles to ensure the audience gets the full effect.


Vistar's view

To showcase the versatility of DOOH and create a targeted, account-based campaign, we opted for a multi-faceted creative approach. We developed both dynamic and animated video ads to capture attention, and developed static ads as a backup for locations unable to support more complex designs.

The Vistar Studio team played a crucial role in designing visually compelling ads that aligned with our brand guidelines. They carefully considered elements like logo placement, eyelines and contrast to maximize impact and memorability. The final designs used bold imagery, featuring consumers looking up and around, mirroring the way out-of-home ads naturally capture attention in the real world.



4) Set up the campaign

Set up your campain - How to launch a DOOH campaign A step-by-step guide

Setting up your campaign in a DOOH DSP is the final step to go live. From iconic landmarks to strategic ad placements, this is where you lay the foundation for a successful campaign.


Securing iconic locations 

Major locations like Times Square offer unparalleled visibility but also come with their own set of requirements. To maximize your reach, negotiate for ad slots during peak traffic times when more eyes are likely to see your message. Given the demand for these ad spaces, consider setting up a private marketplace (PMP) between you and the media owner to secure the space. 


PMP strategies

PMPs offer a controlled environment where you can access premium inventory and negotiate directly with media owners. By selecting a PMP, you have more control over each screen the ad appears on. 


Choosing the open exchange 

Alternatively, opting for the open exchange provides a broader range of venue options and allows your targeting strategies to direct ad spend to the most effective and efficient placements. Open exchanges give you access to a diverse inventory, allowing you to purchase across multiple media owners easily and automatically.


Vistar's view

As an industry leader, we collaborated closely with our media owner partners to ensure the success of this campaign. This collaborative approach allowed us to leverage their expertise and secure out-of-home placements through a series of private marketplaces (PMPs). 



5) Decide how you’ll measure success 


At the end of the day, a campaign's success hinges on its measurable impact. Before you launch, it’s essential to lay the groundwork on how you'll evaluate your campaign’s performance, tying it back to your objectives. 

Some ways to measure a DOOH campaign include:

  • Brand awareness: Measure how exposure to your DOOH ads boost brand recognition and enhances brand perception among your target audience.
  • Foot traffic: Analyze how your DOOH campaigns affect the number of people visiting physical locations or stores nearby after campaign exposure.
  • Website performance: Track changes in website visits and user interactions corresponding to DOOH campaign exposure.
  • Effect on sales: Evaluate the impact of your DOOH advertising on sales performance, identifying any increases in purchases linked to the campaign’s visibility.


Vistar's view

We want to know if our campaign will really move the needle, not just for our brand, but for the entire out-of-home industry. So, we launched a brand lift study to measure how our ads influenced people's perceptions. We also teamed up with Mira to track website traffic and see how many people took action after seeing our ads. These two points of data will give us a complete picture of our campaign's impact, from boosting awareness to driving conversions.



So, how's our campaign doing? 

Launching our own DOOH campaign was a powerful exercise in practicing what we preach. It reinforced the importance of meticulous planning, creative excellence and data-driven decision-making. As we continue to help our clients and partners succeed in the out-of-home space, this experience has provided us with invaluable insights, enabling us to deliver even more impactful campaigns for everyone in the future.

Want to know more about the campaign and its results? Stay tuned as we share more behind-the-scenes stories and the results of our campaign in the coming weeks!

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