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Want to amplify your holiday DOOH campaign? Consider these venues



Stephanie Klemperer

While we may be busy soaking up the final days of summer, the holidays will be here before we know it. In fact, many consumers have already gotten a head start on their holiday shopping! According to recent reports, 16% of consumers started their holiday shopping in June, and more than half of holiday shoppers plan to start shopping before Thanksgiving.

With holiday buying starting earlier this year, it is the perfect time for brands to ramp up their promotional efforts and take advantage of this unique sales cycle. The 2024 holiday season will drive 22.3% of annual US retail ecommerce sales and see monthly online sales 43% higher than other times of the year. As you evaluate which channels can help you maximize your holiday campaign budget and drive the most impact, digital out-of-home (DOOH) should be a top consideration.

“It’s never too early for brands to think about how they can make the most out of the holiday season. The beauty of DOOH is that it can help brands make a bold statement amidst the noise of other holiday advertising tactics,” says Raj Lala, VP of Demand Sales and Development, at Vistar Media. “Consumer attention can shift in an instant, and out-of-home can help brands light up the streets of major cities and retail environments during this busy time of year—organically influencing purchase decisions at multiple touchpoints throughout a consumer's shopping journey.”

Learn more: 3 ways to elevate your holiday marketing with DOOH

Maximizing your impact


There are countless opportunities to engage holiday shoppers as they move through their day during contextually relevant moments. The key to driving the most impact? Knowing exactly where to place your ads in order to captivate your audience at the right time. 

“To maximize their holiday budgets, brands should strategically select DOOH venues that align with consumer behavior during the season. By placing ads in core strategic locations, you can effectively reach your target audience at multiple touchpoints,” advises Jessica Silva, Chief Operating Officer, at Screenverse. “With the right mix of venues, you can ensure that your holiday messages resonate, driving sales and boosting brand visibility during the most critical shopping period of the year.”

While the “right” venue types may vary for each brand and the specific campaign goals, there are a wide variety of options to consider as you plan your DOOH holiday campaign. To help you get started, we’ve teamed up with Screenverse—one of the largest networks of DOOH inventory, offering 20+ venue types through Vistar Media—to highlight some of the locations brands might want to consider leveraging this holiday season.


According to Statista, 49% of U.S. consumers planned to shop in-store at major department stores and retailers for the 2023 holiday season. As a result, retail should be a staple of media plans for brands during this year’s holiday season. In-store digital screens and displays offer a valuable opportunity to deliver targeted advertising directly to shoppers, often right at the point of purchase.

  • Malls and shopping centers: Shopping malls and retail centers are holiday hotspots, drawing in millions of shoppers looking for gifts, decorations and seasonal deals. Placing DOOH ads in these venues allows brands to connect with consumers when they are already in a buying mindset. Digital screens in high-traffic areas, like food courts, entrances and in front of popular stores, provide prime opportunities to showcase products and drive impulse purchases.
  • Convenience stores: Convenience stores are often the go-to destination for last-minute purchases, particularly during the hectic holiday season. Shoppers frequent these locations for quick snacks, beverages and other small items, often while running errands or on their way to holiday gatherings. Whether promoting limited-time holiday treats, special offers or travel-sized products perfect for on-the-go consumers, these networks help brands influence purchasing decisions at critical moments.
  • Big box retail stores: Big box retail stores are major shopping destinations during the holidays, attracting large numbers of consumers looking to purchase gifts, decorations and bulk items for parties and gatherings. Screens in these stores provide brands with the ability to engage shoppers throughout their shopping journey, from the entrance to checkout.
  • Grocery stores: Grocery stores and supermarkets are essential DOOH venues, especially during the holidays when consumers are stocking up on food, beverages and household essentials. DOOH screens placed in checkout lines, entranceways and aisles can effectively promote holiday-themed products, special offers and seasonal recipes, influencing purchase decisions right at the point of sale.
  • Pharmacy locations: Pharmacies see increased foot traffic during the holiday season as consumers seek out personal care products, over-the-counter medications and holiday cards. DOOH screens in pharmacies can target health-conscious shoppers with timely ads for your holiday promotions, making these venues a strategic choice for brands aiming to reach a health-focused audience.

Digital billboards

Holiday pop_NB 2

Make an impact this holiday season with digital billboards positioned in high-traffic areas in major DMAs, near shopping centers, transit routes and major retailers. According to AAA, nearly 104 million Americans were estimated to be on the road driving to their holiday destinations in 2023, setting a strong benchmark for the 2024 holiday season. As brands look to capitalize on brand awareness, reach and driving in-store traffic to nearby retailers, billboards make the ideal venue type to include in their OOH advertising approach.


Nordstrom Holiday

The holidays mark one of the busiest times for travel, with millions of people taking to the roads, skies and railways to visit family and friends or head to a vacation destination. Brands can seize the opportunity to advertise on transit screens located in airports, train stations, taxis and subways, capturing the attention of travelers during their journey.

Urban panels

Urban panels and outdoor displays in city centers and busy streets offer brands the chance to maintain a strong street-level presence and reach your audience on their daily commutes. During the holidays, these screens are particularly effective for promoting seasonal products and gift ideas. Bright, dynamic displays can capture the festive spirit and draw attention to products that resonate with holiday shoppers, making urban panels a valuable addition to a holiday campaign.

Gas stations and EV charging

EOX Linx Holiday Creative

Gas stations and EV charging stations are increasingly important venues for reaching on-the-go consumers during the busy holiday season. As people travel to visit family and friends, they stop to refuel or recharge, providing an ideal moment for brands to engage them with DOOH ads. Screens at gas pumps or charging stations can capture attention with messages about travel-friendly products like snacks, beverages, car care items or even souvenirs and gifts. These venues offer a unique opportunity to connect with consumers during their journey, and in close proximity to retailers selling relevant products, making it easy to influence their next purchase decision.

Residential networks

Residential buildings make the ideal venue type for brands to target a variety of audiences during the holiday season. From tech-savvy professionals who work from home to pet-friendly communities, residential buildings provide a wide range of audiences for brands to reach in the moments that matter most. Whether it be during an elevator ride, as they enter their apartment building’s lobby or as they grab packages in their mail room, residential buildings offer unique moments to connect with these consumers when they are coming and going from their homes.


The holidays will be here before we know it! For brands looking to capitalize on the busiest and most profitable time of year for retail and ecommerce sales, DOOH can be a powerful channel. By strategically aligning your campaign goals with strong out-of-home venue types, you can extend your brand messaging into the physical world, stand out from competing holiday ads and captivate and influence holiday shoppers during key moments throughout their day.

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