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Insperity Purchase Intent Lifts 32% With Programmatic DOOH



Carlin Jessop

Insperity, a leading provider of HR solutions for small to medium-sized companies, wanted to reach HR professionals and business owners to increase awareness, consideration and purchase intent for their HR offerings and business solutions. With working patterns disrupted by the pandemic, Insperity was interested in finding a marketing solution that would allow them to predict when and where to reach key professional audiences, as they go about their day. 

With this goal in mind, Insperity partnered with Vistar Media and agency Moroch to activate a successful digital out-of-home (DOOH) campaign, using data-driven and advanced audience targeting strategies. Utilizing Vistar’s programmatic technology, Insperity ran an effective 8 week DOOH campaign across 13 different indoor and outdoor media owner networks, on Vistar’s open exchange and private marketplace. Strategically, the DOOH campaign was activated across billboards, bus shelters and office buildings, where Insperity would ensure maximum reach post-pandemic. 


B2B: Programmatic OOH Campaign Strategy

One of the many strategies that were implemented for this campaign was the creation of data-driven audiences. Using a curated segment from Dun & Bradstreet – consisting of business owners, HR influencers and c-suite executives who work at companies with 50-149 employees – Insperity was able to activate DOOH media when and where its audience was most likely to be throughout the day. Further, to drive maximum results, Insperity added an advanced targeting layer to their campaign, ensuring that ads only played at DOOH venues that were experiencing sufficient traffic compared to pre-COVID data. 

In order to evaluate the success of the campaign, Vistar conducted a brand lift study, assessing metrics such as consumer awareness, consideration, intent and familiarity. 


Campaign Results

Overall, the DOOH campaign was a massive success, with Insperity achieving a 67% lift in awareness, 60% lift in consideration, and 32% lift in purchase intent. The entire initiative was effective in growing consumer awareness, creating a 64% lift in consumers that reported being somewhat, to very familiar with Insperity, vs. those that were not exposed to the campaign. 

These results further amplified the value that curated data-driven audiences, in combination with advanced targeting, provided for Insperity when it came to their winning programmatic DOOH campaign strategy. To learn more about the tactics utilized and uncover all of the campaign insights, download the full case study. 


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