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Media Owner Spotlight: Ocean Outdoor Sweden



Mahsa Sabouri

In this edition of our media owner spotlight series, we are thrilled to highlight our partnership with Ocean Outdoor Sweden. Ocean Outdoor Sweden delivers a premium audience through an extensive Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) network, spanning over 240 shopping malls and 50 transit areas across Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland. Their innovative use of LCD screens, coupled with larger impact screens in high-traffic roadside and urban environments, ensures unparalleled reach and engagement.

To dive deeper into the unique offerings and strengths of Ocean Outdoor Sweden, check out our interview with Anders Persson, Director of Business Intelligence and Operations at Ocean Outdoor Nordics, for insights on their strategic presence, audience engagement, and the future of digital out-of-home advertising in the region.


Please describe your network in 2 sentences

OO deliver a premium audience at 240+ shopping malls and 50 transit areas, nationally distributed in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland. 


What types of screens do you have, and where can they be found?

Lion part is 1080:1920/9:16 LCD screens, OO also larger impact screens in roadside and city environments.


What regions do you operate in?

Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland.

What audiences do you reach?

A premium audience “high spenders”, when visiting a shopping mall or a transit area, often is equipped with a positive mindset, high expectations and a good level of impulsivity.


What sets you apart from other digital channels?

High dwell time, positive mindset and loyal in terms returning visitors.

What is your network's main value proposition to a brand?

High reach, high impact in a very appreciated environment.

What do you wish more digital buyers knew about out-of-home?

The smartness in the digital technology and the possibility for Integrated Out of Home.

How do you see digital out-of-home evolving over the next year?

Conversion of static to digital will increase, more integrated campaigns that combines reach, impact, experimental experiences, and creative messaging.

Is there anything else you'd like to highlight about your network?

The foot falls in indoor environments are increasing and the and the environments are developed more and more in becoming landmarks for positive experiences.

Want to learn more about our partnership? Get in touch with Bart, our Regional Lead in Nordic, via email bboogaard@vistarmedia.com

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