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Tips for Programmatic Success with the Vistar SSP



Gina Cubillas

We’ve shared resources about how to choose the right supply-side platform (SSP) but once you’ve made your selection what can you do with it? 

Through an SSP you can curate premium inventory based on location, audience, and demand. The goal is to minimize any unsold inventory, facilitating transactions as quickly and efficiently as possible in order to optimize incremental revenue opportunities. By leveraging an SSP, you’re able to aggregate demand, accessing multiple buyers in one central platform. If you are leveraging the Vistar SSP, we directly connect you with Vistar’s demand-side platform (DSP) along with global leading omnichannel DSPs.

Here are a few tips to help you garner programmatic success with the Vistar SSP:

How to Sell and Market to Media Buyers

It’s important to build awareness and educate buyers on your inventory and there are tools and products available in the platform to help you do that.

Complete a media owner profile: Once you go live on the exchange you will be provided a template to complete and submit. This information is then shared with buyers to educate them on your creative specs and the audiences you reach. Buyers are interested in learning about your environment and seeing visuals of your screens, and want to become familiar with your network and its inventory. 

Expand access to all inventory: If you have screens and additional inventory in other DMAs or if you have screen types that aren’t available on Vistar’s platform yet, you could be missing out on potential revenue opportunities. By adding all available inventory to the platform you’re in the best position to gain opportunities for programmatic campaigns that are being planned for specific DMAs or screen types where your network aligns. 

Create open deals in Vistar’s storefront: Similar to the medIa owner profile, the objective here is to help inform the buyer on who you reach and where you reach them. Think about your high in-demand markets that you want to make available to all buyers or you certain audiences that you have a high reach in - we recommend starting with two or three open deals. 

Lead gen opportunities: Leverage the reporting tool to uncover lead generation opportunities. This will allow you to streamline and prioritize which buyers you should be reaching out to first. 


Have a Dedicated Programmatic Specialist

You want to be able to have at least one person who can speak not only to your inventory and network but also to the features that Vistar offers through our programmatic pipes. A dedicated point person whose efforts are primarily focused on programmatic and digital out-of-home is key to ensuring true revenue optimization. Similar to your direct sales efforts, this role will be how you gain and maintain consistent buyer spend and keep an eye on your network health.


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Maintain a Healthy Network Integration

You want to ensure that your network aligns with market averages- keeping a spend rate that’s constantly at or above 90%. To obtain this, all of your venues must be sending ad requests. By making sure you have a healthy network, you will also help validate and build buyer confidence. The only way a buyer is going to come back, return spend, and maybe increase spend over time, is by knowing that your network is healthy and reliable. 

If they see that you’re delivering as expected time and time again, they’re going to keep coming back, and that’s really going to put you in the best position to pursue additional opportunities. 

Leverage Resources and Support

Knowledge Base: Vistar frequently updates our Knowledge Base to review any FAQs and information on any platform navigation assistance. The information is constantly updated based on our releases and product improvements so everything you’re looking at is up to date.

Diagnostics tool: This tool enables Vistar’s team to work with you directly on how to troubleshoot any technical issues, and avoid any pain or headache along the way. If we can make sure that your network is always performing at its best, then it’s going to put you in the best position possible to continue seeing growth in terms of programmatic revenue opportunities. 

Newsletters: Stay informed on our latest news, product release and new features through our newsletters. We share new releases on a biweekly basis, so the information that we’re sharing is constant, and we know it’s a lot. But, it’s really important to stay up to date because we are continuing to hone and polish our products and solutions, so these newsletters are going to be the best way for you to know what’s coming down the line. 

Support Alias: As a partner, any questions you have, whether it’s product requests or platform navigation, please email support@vistarmedia.com. This email will help you reach various team members who can provide the right insights and help answer your questions in a more efficient and quick manner. 

All these components are helpful for you to build brand awareness, educate and market to buyers, and make the most value from the Vistar SSP. 

If you’re not working with Vistar and are interested in learning more about our solutions for media owners - contact us today.

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